Soft Landings and Incentives

 For those that choose to focus on the family, it seems only fair that our society  returns the favor by offering  soft landings and incentives. 

Things like, return to workplace assistance – similar to what we do for Service Men and Women or veterans, homemakers entering/returning to workforce, could use some form of guidance, assistance. Paid time off for the ‘working for money’ spouse of a full time HomeMaker may be given, so they can relieve the HomeMaker for an afternoon or so.

Credits towards Social Security – HomeMaker work could be made eligible on its own for earning credits towards Social Security and other government retirement benefits.

Incentives – Corporations could provide incentives directly to the spouses of employees or the single parents who are also homemakers.

Policy change – If we get some ‘small price tag, huge social good in return’ type policy changes in place then some expecting mothers/couples may make different decisions when they are faced with pro-life/pro-choice dilemma.

Pay it forward – As a society, first we need to learn how to pay it forward, by making the homemaker role a little bit easier.  Corporations could do much better by giving longer paid leave to parents who take up the role of homemaking,  at least for the first 2 kids, offering flexible work hours and childcare on site for the working homemakers.

Guidance & Support – If we were to ask some of the leading personalities, CEO’s, presidents of universities, senators and other high achievers, many would acknowledge that the nurturing and guidance they received as children from homemakers in their life, contributed to making them who they are today. On the same lines, we may learn that the continued support from their spouses, significant others, and other family members  allows them to focus their energy to excel in their fields.

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